Plugins Index

  • Jekyll-Art-Gallery-Plugin

    An advanced Jekyll plugin for generating art galleries on static/generated sites.

  • Jekyll-Dribbble-Set-Tag

    Generates image galleries from player’s recent shots with customizable shots per page and which page of results to render.

  • Jekyll-Models

    A generator that allows the user to make more jekyll objects like posts. It reads in YAML files from the specified directories and puts all of the information into the global site variable for easy access. It can also generate Model pages.

  • Jekyll-Ordinal

    Jekyll liquid filter to output a date ordinal such as “st”, “nd”, “rd”, or “th”

  • Jekyll-Sort

    For those of you who have some list and want to sort it in jekyll, this plugin will sort lists of primitives and lists of hashes based on a direction and what to sort on (if needed). It stores the sorted answer in the global site var for usage. If you have lists of hashes of hashes and you want to sort on something deeper than the first level, then you can edit this code.

  • Jekyll-Spotify

    Provides a tag that takes Spotify URI and generates a html snippet to embed player your site

  • JekyllGalleryTag

    Jekyll plugin to generate thumbnails from a directory of images and display them with a Liquid tag

  • jekyll-algolia

    Add fast and relevant search to your Jekyll site

  • Alias generator

    Generates redirect pages for posts when an alias is specified in the YAML Front Matter.

  • amp-jekyll

    Build Accelerated Mobile Page versions of your Jekyll posts

  • bibjekyll

    This plugin interfaces bibtex2html with Jekyll to generate an html bibliography list from bibtex entries.

  • Category Archive

    Generate a category archive.

  • deprecating_keeper

    Filter which monitor how old an article is. Make the readers notice that the article might be old

  • Domain Name Liquid Filter

    A Liquid Filter to display the domain name of a url.

  • emoji_for_jekyll

    A plugin for Jekyll that seamlessly enable emoji.

  • Full-text search

    Index Tank adds full-text search to your Jekyll site with a plugin and a bit of JavaScript.

  • grunt-jekyll

    Compile Jekyll sites with Grunt

  • i18n_filter

    Liquid filter to use I18n localization

  • include-absolute

    A Jekyll’s liquid tag plugin to include a file from its path relative to Jekyll’s source folder. Why? Because Jekyll’s built-in include tag does not support including files outside of _includes folder

  • indii-jekyll-flickr

    Embed Flickr photos in a Jekyll blog.

  • jade-jekyll-plugin

    Converter Plugin that brings Jade support to Jekyll

  • jekyll-500px-embed

    A Liquid tag for Jekyll to embed 500px photos - Example

  • jekyll-admin

    A Jekyll plugin that provides users with a traditional CMS-style graphical interface to author content and administer Jekyll sites.

  • jekyll-archives

    📚 Archive pages for your Jekyll tags and categories.

  • jekyll-textile-converter

    Converts AsciiDoc source files in your site to HTML pages using Asciidoctor

  • jekyll-asciinema

    Liquid tag for embedding asciicasts recorded with asciinema for use in Jekyll sites.

  • jekyll-asset-path

    A liquid tag to output a relative URL for assets based on the Jekyll post or page

  • jekyll-asset_bundler

    A small plugin for Jekyll to easily bundle and compress site assets

  • jekyll-assets

    🎨 Asset pipelines for Jekyll.

  • jekyll-atom

    A collection of tools and snippets for working with Jekyll in Atom

  • jekyll-author-plugin

    A Jekyll plugin for generating author archives for posts

  • jekyll-auto-image

    Makes available the first image of a post in the template

  • jekyll-autolink_email

    Autolink emails for your Jekyll

  • jekyll-avatar

    A Jekyll plugin for rendering GitHub avatars.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jekyll-beastiepress

    These Jekyll plugins add port, pr, and man tags through Liquid, making it easy to link to FreeBSD ports, problem reports, and manual pages.

  • jekyll-bigfootnotes

    Enables big footnotes ([1]) for Kramdown

  • jekyll-citation

    Jekyll plugin to parse/render BibTeX-encoded citations included in posts/pages

  • jekyll-cloudinary

    A Jekyll plugin adding a Liquid tag to use Cloudinary for optimized responsive posts images.

  • jekyll-coffeescript

    A CoffeeScript converter for Jekyll.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jekyll-commonmark

    Markdown converter that uses libcmark, the reference parser for CommonMark

  • jekyll-compass

    Jekyll generator plugin to build Compass projects during site build.

  • jekyll-compose

    📝 Streamline your writing in Jekyll with these commands.

  • jekyll-contentblocks

    Gives you a mechanism in Jekyll to pass content up from pages into their parent layouts. It’s kind of like having Rails’ content_for available for Jekyll

  • jekyll-contentful-data-import

    Jekyll-Contentful-Data-Import is a Jekyll extension to use the Jekyll static site generator together with the API-driven Contentful CMS. It is powered by the Contentful Ruby Gem.

  • jekyll-data

    A plugin to read ‘_config.yml’ and data files within Jekyll theme gems

  • jekyll-default-layout

    Silently sets default layouts for Jekyll pages and posts.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jekyll-ditaa

    This plugin allows you to write ditaa markup within a ditaa block, generate the image file and replace the markup with the image. If the image could not be generated, the plugin falls back to a <pre> block with the ditaa markup.

  • jekyll-docs

    Offline usage documentation for Jekyll. Requires Jekyll 3 and above.

  • jekyll-email-protect

    Jekyll Email Protect is an email protection liquid filter which can be used to obfuscate mailto: links to protect an email address from spam bots

  • jekyll-embedly-client

    A client for Jekyll. No longer maintained

  • jekyll-feed

    A Jekyll plugin to generate an Atom (RSS-like) feed of your Jekyll posts.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jekyll-figure

    A liquid tag for Jekyll that generates <figure> elements.

  • jekyll-flickr-photoset

    A Jekyll plugin for embedding Flickr photosets in your Liquid templates

  • jekyll-flickr

    A Jekyll plug-in for embedding Flickr photos in your Liquid templates.

  • jekyll-ga

    A Jekyll plugin that downloads Google Analytics data and adds it to posts. Useful for making a site that lists “most popular” content.

  • jekyll-gallery-generator

    A Jekyll plugin that generates photo galleries from directories full of images.

  • jekyll-geocode

    Geo-encode addresses from a YAML file for drawing interactive maps with Jekyll. Powered by the Nominatim open source service from Open Street Map

  • jekyll-gist

    Liquid tag for displaying GitHub Gists in Jekyll sites.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jekyll-git_metadata

    Expose Git metadata for your templates.

  • jekyll-github-metadata

    :octocat: Common repository information, such as the project name and description, is available to Jekyll sites hosted on GitHub Pages via site.github. Repository metadata on github-pages

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jekyll-github-sample

    Two Jekyll Liquid tags to display a code sample from a file in a public Github repo and provide a reference to it

  • jekyll-gitlab-letsencrypt

    Automate letsencrypt renewals for GitLab pages

  • jekyll-glossary_tooltip

    This plugin simplifies for your readers and you by making it easy to define terms or abbreviations that needs an explanation. Define a common dictionary of terms and their definition in a YAML file. Then inside markdown files you can use the provided glossary liquid tag to insert a tooltip for a defined word from the dictionary. The tooltip will show the term definition on mouse hover.

    It’s also possible to provide an optional URL to further term definition or source reference. To also support mobile devices, this URL link is placed inside the tooltip pop-up itself, rather than making the term itself clickable. This is so that on mobile device, you will first tap the word to get the hover tooltip, then click the link in the tooltip if desired.

  • jekyll-google_search_console_verification_file

    This is a very simple plugin that will generate a Google Search Console (GSC from here) verification file to your _site/ directory in a Jekyll project. This file is used by GSC to verify that you own the site and looks for example like my googlef47733b3288357e4.html.

  • jekyll-humanize

    Adds a “human touch” to data. Each method represents a Fluid type filter that can be used in your Jekyll site templates

  • jekyll-i18n_tags

    A Liquid tag to translate your Jekyll’s templates

  • jekyll-ideal-image-slider-include

    Add image sliders to Jekyll with Ideal Image Slider. HTML include version. No plugin necessary. Fully compatible with Github Pages

  • jekyll-ideal-image-slider

    Liquid tag plugin to add image sliders to Jekyll with Ideal Image Slider

  • jekyll-image-set

    Create an image gallery from a folder with a Liquid tag

  • jekyll-image-tag

    Liquid tag for images. Store image presets, add classes, alt text, and any other attribute to an image’s HTML, and automatically create resized images from a tag argument or a little YAML configuration

  • jekyll-image_optimizer

    A Jekyll plugin to optimize images for the web. It reads all the images in a source directory and saves optimized versions of them to a destination directory and creates a symbolic link to the destination directory

  • jekyll-import

    The “jekyll import” command for importing from various blogs to Jekyll format.

  • jekyll-include-cache

    A Jekyll plugin to cache the rendering of Liquid includes

  • jekyll-jade

    Converter Plugin that brings Jade support to Jekyll

  • jekyll-jalali

    This plugin adds a new filter to Jekyll called jdate. Using this filter the given dates will be converted to Jalali which is being used in Iran and Afghanistan

  • jekyll-js-minify-plugin

    A Jekyll plugin that automatically minifies all Javascript files using the Google Closure Compiler

  • jekyll-json

    Jekyll JSON turns YAML config into JSON, so that you can use it in Javascript. Passed a YAML key, it’ll return a JSON, combining the page specific YAML with any config in _config.yml (using the value set on the page wherever there’s a conflict).

  • jekyll-lazy-tweet-embedding

    Automatically convert tweet urls into twitter cards

  • jekyll-live-tiles

    Generates Internet Explorer 11+ config.xml file and Tile Templates for pinning your site to Windows 8+.

  • jekyll-localization

    Jekyll plugin that adds localization features to the rendering engine.

  • jekyll-maps

    A Jekyll plugin to easily embed maps with filterable locations.

  • jekyll-mentions

    👥 GitHub @mention support for your Jekyll site.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jekyll-menus

    Complex, and infinite Hugo-like menus for Jekyll

  • jekyll-mermaid

    Simplify the creation of mermaid diagrams and flowcharts in your posts and pages

  • jekyll-minibundle

    A straightforward asset bundling plugin for Jekyll, utilizing external minification tool of your choice. It provides asset concatenation for bundling and asset fingerprinting with MD5 digest for cache busting.

  • jekyll-minifier

    Jekyll HTML/XML/CSS/JS Minifier utilising yui-compressor, and htmlcompressor

  • jekyll-money

    A Jekyll plugin for dealing with money. Because we all have to at some point. Works by extending the functionality of the popular money RubyGem. Intends to become a full-featured way to work with money in Jekyll.

  • jekyll-only_first_p

    Display only first paragraph of post

  • jekyll-optional-front-matter

    A Jekyll plugin to make front matter optional for Markdown files.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • Jekyll Pageless Redirects

    Generates redirects based on files in the Jekyll root, with support for htaccess style redirects.

  • Jekyll Pages Directory

    Defines a _pages directory for page files which routes its contents relative to the project root.

  • jekyll-paginate-category

    Pagination Generator for Jekyll Category

  • jekyll-paginate-v2

    Pagination gem built specially for Jekyll 3 and newer that is fully backwards compatable and serves as an enhanced replacement for the previously built-in jekyll-paginate gem.

  • jekyll-pagination

    Jekyll plugin to extend the pagination generator

  • jekyll-pandoc-multiple-formats

    Use pandoc to generate your site in multiple formats. Supports pandoc’s markdown extensions

  • jekyll-picture-tag

    Liquid tag that adds responsive images to your Jekyll static site. It follows the picture element pattern, and polyfills older browsers with Picturefill. Jekyll Picture Tag automatically creates resized source images, is fully configurable, and covers all use cases — including art direction and resolution switching — with a little YAML configuration and a simple template tag.

  • jekyll-portfolio-generator

    Generates a portfolio/project pages (including related projects) out of data files

  • jekyll-postfiles

    A Jekyll plugin that copies static files from the _posts to the _site folder

  • jekyll-press

    Minifier plugin for jekyll. Minifies all html, js, css files. Simple just drop it in solution. No Java required.

  • jekyll-prism-plugin

    The Jekyll Prism plugin is a replacement for native Pygments syntax highlighting in Jekyll. It uses the Prism Syntax Highlighter.

  • jekyll-random

    A Jekyll plugin that generates pseudo-random data.

  • jekyll-readme-index

    A Jekyll plugin to render a project’s README as the site’s index.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jekyll-redirect-from

    Seamlessly specify multiple redirections URLs for your pages and posts.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jekyll-references

    Keep all your markdown reference-style link definitions in one file

  • jekyll-relative-links

    A Jekyll plugin to convert relative links to markdown files to their rendered equivalents.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jekyll-rendering

    Jekyll plugin to provide alternative rendering engines.

  • jekyll-responsive-image

    A Jekyll plugin and utility for automatically resizing images. Its intended use is for sites which want to display responsive images using something like srcset or Imager.js

  • jekyll-roman

    A liquid filter for Jekyll that converts numbers into Roman numerals

  • jekyll-rst

    This plugin adds ReStructuredText support to Jekyll and Octopress. It renders ReST in posts and pages, and provides a custom directive to support Octopress-compatible syntax highlighting.

  • jekyll-scholar

    Jekyll-Scholar is for all the academic bloggers out there. It is a set of extensions to Jekyll, the awesome, blog aware, static site generator; it formats your bibliographies and reading lists for the web and gives your blog posts citation super-powers.

  • jekyll-seo-tag

    A Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better index and display your site’s content.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jekyll-sitemap

    Jekyll plugin to silently generate a compliant sitemap for your Jekyll site.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jekyll-slideshow

    Jekyll Slideshow is a plugin to help you create image slideshows on your Jekyll / Octopress site. By slideshow, we mean those neat little JavaScript lightbox things. Instead of big images in your main content, you get a series of thumbnails. Click on one and it appears in a lightbox, and you can scroll left and right through the other items in the list.

  • jekyll-slim

    A gem that adds slim-lang support to Jekyll. Works for for pages, includes and layouts

  • Jekyll-Sort

    For those of you who have some list and want to sort it in jekyll, this plugin will sort lists of primitives and lists of hashes based on a direction and what to sort on (if needed). It stores the sorted answer in the global site var for usage. If you have lists of hashes of hashes and you want to sort on something deeper than the first level, then you can edit this code.

  • jekyll-soundcloud

    A Jekyll plug-in for embedding SoundCloud sounds in your Liquid templates.

  • jekyll-suggested-tweet

    A Liquid tag for Jekyll that allows for the embedding of suggested tweets via Twitter’s Web Intents API

  • jekyll-swfobject

    SWFObject Tag is a Liquid plugin for Jekyll to embed Flash files (*.swf) using SWFObject

  • jekyll-tagging

    jekyll-tagging is a Jekyll plugin, to add a tag cloud and per tag pages plus feeds to your Jekyll generated Website.

  • jekyll-tagslist

    A Liquid tag plugin which enables you to collect, order and filter tags of your posts

  • jekyll-textile-converter

    Convert your .textile Jekyll content. For Jekyll 3.0 and up

  • jekyll-thumbnail-filter

    Custom liquid filter for related posts thumbnails

  • jekyll-thumbnailer

    Generates a thumbnail to an image and renders an image tag.

  • jekyll-timeago

    A gem plugin to compute distance of dates in words, available as a Liquid Filter and as a Liquid Tag, Localization (i18n)

  • jekyll-titles-from-headings

    A Jekyll plugin to pull the page title from the first Markdown heading when none is specified.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jekyll-toc-generator

    Liquid filter to generate Table of Content into Jekyll pages

  • jekyll-toc-generator

    A liquid filter plugin for Jekyll which generates a table of contents

  • jekyll-tweet-tag

    This is a simple Liquid tag that makes it easy to embed tweets. This is great for quoting a tweet in a blog post, for example. It uses Twitter’s oEmbed API for their Embedded Tweet feature. Features include:

    • Easy to install
    • Easy to embed tweets
    • Displays tweets with familiar twitter style
    • Optional parameters to control layout (as described in Twitter’s oEmbed API)
    • Provides twitter features such as retweet, follow, and favorite without leaving your page
  • jekyll-twitter-plugin

    A Liquid tag plugin for Jekyll blogging engine that embeds Tweets, Timelines and more from Twitter API

  • jekyll-typogrify

    Improves typography on your Jekyll site using typogruby and titlecase

  • jekyll-uglify-filter

    This Jekyll plugin creates an uglify Liquid Template filter to minify JavaScript for inlining

  • jekyll-umlauts

    Jekyll Generator Plugin to convert umlauts to html

  • jekyll-uncss

    A Jekyll plugin that uses uncss to remove unused css rules in selected stylesheets

  • jekyll-version-plugin

    A Liquid tag plugin that renders a version identifier for your Jekyll site sourced from the git repository containing your code

  • jekyll-video-embed

    Liquid tags for embedding videos from YouTube, Vimeo, UStream or

  • jekyll-vimeo-plugin

    This plugin makes it easy to embed videos from Vimeo by using a simple Liquid tag

  • jekyll-webmention_io

    A Jekyll Plugin for rendering Webmentions via Includes an optional JavaScript for updating webmentions automatically between publishes and, if available, in realtime using WebSockets

  • jekyll-youtube-lazyloading

    This Jekyll/Octopress plugin improves the responsiveness on page that embed many youtube iframes by delaying the iframe creation until the user clicks on the video

  • jekyll-youtube

    A Liquid tag that takes a YouTube URL and generates a responsive html snippet to embed the video into your site

  • jekyll_alias_generator

    Generates redirect pages for posts with aliases set in the YAML Front Matter.

  • jekyll_date_chart

    This Jekyll plugin renders date-related line charts based on textile-formatted tables. While the plugin focuses on the presentation of financial data, it may also be used to display other date-related statistics

  • jekyll_figure

    A Liquid figure tag for Jekyll

  • jekyll_flickr_set_tag

    Generates image galleries from a Flickr set.

  • jekyll_image_encode

    Liquid Tag that renders base64 codes of images fetched from the web

  • jekyll_indextank

    Jekyll + indextank = Static websites with powerful full-text search

  • jekyll_inline_highlight

    A Liquid tag for inline syntax highlighting in Jekyll

  • jekyll-oembed

    Jekyll plugin to embed objects with the help of oEmbed. Simple liquid tag

  • jekyll_quick_man

    This Jekyll plugin generates links to man pages on the internet and automatically fills the anchor title with the man page’s description.

  • jekyll_smilify

    smilify is a Liquid filter to transform text emoticons into smileys. It can be easily plugged in to your existing Jekyll powered content to bring all your text emoticons to life.

  • TypeScript generator

    Generate Javascript on build from your TypeScript.

  • jemoji

    GitHub-flavored emoji plugin for Jekyll.

    Compatible with GitHub Pages :octocat:
  • jeql

    A GraphQL plugin for Jekyll.

  • kramdown-with-pygments

    Enable Pygments syntax highlighting for Kramdown-parsed fenced code blocks

  • liquid-md5

    A Liquid filter that outputs an MD5 hash. Can be useful for generating Gravatar URLs from email addresses

  • liquid_pluralize

    A Liquid filter to make it easy to form correct plurals

  • liquid_reading_time

    A Liquid filter to count words and estimate reading time

  • markdown-writer

    An Atom package for Jekyll. It can create new posts/drafts, manage tags/categories, insert link/images and add many useful key mappings

  • match_regex

    A Liquid filter to perform regex match

  • Monthly Archive Plugin

    Generate a monthly archive.

  • piwigo_gallery

    Generate thumbnails from a Piwigo gallery and display them with a Liquid tag

  • pug-jekyll-plugin

    Converter Plugin that brings Pug support to Jekyll

  • related_posts-jekyll_plugin

    This is a jekyll plugin that overrides the built in related_posts function to calculate related posts based on a posts’ tags.

  • remote_file_content

    Using remote_file_content tag you can fetch the content of a remote file and include it as if you would put the content right into your markdown file yourself. Very useful for including code from GitHub repo’s to always have a current repo version

  • replace_regex

    A Liquid filter to perform regex replace

  • RSS Feed Generator

    Automatically creates an RSS 2.0 feed from your posts.

  • rust_playground_highlight

    Automatically add links to the Rust Playground for code samples in your Jekyll site

  • singlepage-jekyll

    A simple Jekyll plugin to make content load dynamically using pagify.js. Pagify.js is a great jQuery plugin to make simple one-page websites, with content loading dynamically. The only problem with it is that you have to define every page you want to load manually. This is fine for a static page, but it get’s in the way when you’re hosting a website with regularly updated content. This plugin aims to solve that. It generates a JSON file of all your pages, which you can pass to pagify.js.

  • Sitemap generator

    Sitemap.xml Generator is a Jekyll plugin that generates a sitemap.xml file by traversing all of the available posts and pages.

  • sublime-jekyll

    A Sublime Text package for Jekyll static sites

    This package is aimed at streamlining the process of managing and creating new Jekyll posts. It does this by providing quick and easy access to new post and draft commands, snippets and completions for Liquid template tags and filters, as well as some handy commands for adding dates and upload links to your posts.

    If you use Jekyll as your static site generator, and Sublime Text as your text editor, you should absolutely install and use this package!

  • truncatehtml

    A Jekyll plugin that truncates HTML while preserving markup structure.

  • Twemoji Awesome

    A Liquid tag to display Twitter emojis ❤️ Example

  • vim-jekyll

    A vim plugin to generate new posts and run jekyll build all without leaving vim.